dijous, 26 de setembre del 2013

Comencem amb energia


Ja hem començat el curs de nou i aquest any ens espera un mun de coses per aprendre. Entre elles hi haurà les tècniques plàstiques, les quals aniré detallant en aquest blog al llarg del curs. 

Per iniciar el blog deixo una cançó que segur que tothom coneix i que transmet molta energia!!

You got the whole world in your pocket
But you just don't know

Everybody's smiling at you everywhere you go

It's like you've got that secret
That everybody else wants to know

Anywhere you are is just like home to you

From the beaches of Manila down to Katmandu

Yeah, you've got that secret
That everybody else wants to know
But you won't ever let it go

Everybody wants to hold your hand

Everybody wants to shine that bright

Everybody wants to say they can
Everybody wants to live your life
Everybody wants to talk like you
Only want to do the things you do
Because they're always going to turn out right
Everybody wants to live your life

May take a whole room full of strangers

And we make them friends

We do it all around the world
Just so, it never ends

It don't matter where we're coming from or going to

You're the only one that ever turns a grey sky blue

And everybody needs a friend like you

Everybody wants to hold your hand

Everybody wants to shine that bright

Everybody wants to say they can
Everybody wants to live your life
Everybody wants to talk like you
Only wants to do the things you do
Because they're always going to turn out right
Everybody wants to live your life

Somos ciudadanos del mundo así

Yo siempre a tu lado y tú junto a mí

Mika - Live your life

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